Tamás Ganzer: 8 years ago, in the middle of August my nose started to discharge. At he time, I thought it’s just a simple flu, but it lasted for 3 weeks. One of my friends, who was already suffering from allergies told me that it’ not for sure to be the flu. Next year I didn’t just have my nose running, but my eyes started itching. I could only sleep half-hours. It was a nightmare!
Judit Kaspár: With me it started 10 years ago. My eyes, ears and my throat were itching, and my nose was running. It was a horrible-horrible thing. I started to visit a doctor. He made the allergy tests and the result was that I am allergic to several things.
Tamás Ganzer: I visited a doctor and he detected that I am allergic to the ragweed and mugwort the most. He prescribed a bunch of medicines that helped for a while but later my body probably became immune to them.
Judit Kaspár: I’ve tried a lot of medicines, they reduced the symptoms – more or less – but it wasn’t the best. And then, I could aquire this Saltpipe this year.
Tamás Ganzer: One of my friends told me about a thing called Saltpipe. I started to use it in the evenings for 20-30 minutes during watching TV or reading. This year for my biggest surprise , this two-month long horror decreased to 1 single week, in a way that only my nose running symptoms turned up, but also, only on a minimal level. My allergies in the last two years turned into asthmatic coughing. By now it is past.
Judit Kaspár: It reduced my symptoms considerably, this year I didn’t have to take medicines anymore. It made me cough when I started with it, because it cleans the respiratory tructs. It even removes the old settled crusts (sediments). Is is prosperous, favourable for the treatment of every kinds of respiratory problems.
Duna TV Host: Allergies and asthma became the new characteristics of modern times. Residents of Budapest are lucky in a way however, since they can find the way of healing int the heart of the City.
Valéria Oláh: At the moment we are on the giant corridor of the Szemlohegyi Cave. This is the place where the patients suffering from respiratory problems are treated. Practically, people suffering from upper- and lower respiratory truct-problems visit us mainly. The air of the caves is pollen-free, so there aren’t any factors that cause sickness. Humidity is 90-100%, the temperature is constant, always 13 °C and it is full of minerals.
Duna TV Host: People suffering from respiratory illnesses can find remedy in many caverns in Hungary and all over Europe. However, one has to travel hundreds of kilometers to find one. László Budai and Imre Békefi rather delivered these healthy minerals to our homes. The inventors created the Saltpipe which contains the millions of years old treasures of the Earth.
Imre Békefi: The idea came, when I was sick myself. One morning, 20 years age I got up sneezing hard. Duna TV Host: At the moment of creation the inventor and the patient united. Maybe this is the key to success. And the positive feedbacks are numerous, since more and more people want this pipe.
Mrs. Petheo: This is such an amazing “gadget”! Constantly available, mobile, inhaler and cleaning. It made a miracle with me.
Duna TV Host: We can hit the same efficiency with the help of the crystals, hidden into the china-container as we can with the salt-cavern therapy. As a matter of fact it means remedy not only for the people with allergies or asthma, but for those also, who have cold. They can recover in a shorter time with the help of the Saltpipe.
László Budai: This pipe contains salt crystals. From seveal places, all over Europe, where, in salt-caverns hospitals and sanatoriums operate in order to cure patients. While the patient is breathing through it, the salt crystals dissolve. It works on a micro level, and this fact is very important ’cause in this size the minerals are able to get to the smallest parts inside the respiratory organs. There, it resolves the sediments. Extinguishes the irritations and simply cleans our respiratory system.
Duna TV Host: This new therapy is so simple. We just sit back and “smoke” the pipe. Our guest is dr. Matild Kovács, division leader specialist of the Csepel Hospital:
Matild Kovács: Good morning! Greetings to everyone! Show Host: Are you already using this Saltpipe in the Hospital? Do you offer this to your patients?
Matild Kovács: We use the Saltpipe during the abulat medical attendance of our patients. We offer it to them with quite good results, since it is like a mobile salt cavern therapy. The salt crystal-filled instrument helps to dissolve the sediments (crusts) and secretions that stucks onto the respiratory tructs and also helps in the depletion.
Show Host: Is it fully able to substitute cavern therapy?
Matild Kovács: No, not completely, only that part of the cave, or cavern therapy where salt crystals are adopted (utilized). Since the micro climate of the caves is inevitable concerning cave therapy, which – obviously – cannot be created at home, under domestic circumstances.
Show Host: What kind of minerals does this pipe contain?
Matild Kovács: Saltpipe contains mainly calcium-salts, besides, on the level of micro elements we can also find the natrium, the chlorine and the potassium. In small quantity also the bromine and the iodine.
Show Host: Is this an expensive instrument?
Matild Kovács: Considering its long term usability, further more, the positive effects, the current commercial price is acceptable.
Show Host: How often do we need to change/replace it?
Matild Kovács: The inventors filled it with a quantity which is sufficient for 5 years.
Show Host: How much does it cost: Matild Kovács: 15 000 Forints. Show Host: Who are the ones who can use it, and for who wouldn’t you suggest it?
Matild Kovács: As a matter of fact, it can be used by everyone. Even small children, starting at the age when they can be trained what is the proper way of breathin through this salt crystal-filled pipe. We can suggest it to people suffering from cronic respiratory diseases, allergies and also for smokers; with very good results. Practically for everyone who suffers from irritated respiratory alteration.
Show Host: On what levels of sickness can we use it?
Matild Kovács: In the preventive period, in case of cronical diseases, to prevent the acute stage or avoid protraction. Of course it is not a substitute for a medicine. It is not a medicament, but it plays an important role in the preventive therapy.
Show Host: How often is the use of the pipe needed?
Matild Kovács: In order to reach the beneficial results, it is necessary to use it daily.
Show Host: Is the pipe known abroad?
Matild Kovács: Well, many foreign countries show interest towards the Saltpipe, since the incidence rate of the the allergic upper-, and lower respiratory illnesses is getting higher and higher. Because of this, every product that offers results on the field of restoring good condition, and at the same time improves the comfort-feeling without any side effects, clearly creates interest everywhere.
Show Host: Well, thank you for coming, and allow me one more question: those people whose interest aroused towards the Saltpipe are probably interested: can they already purchase this product?
Matild Kovács: Yes, of course, it is already on the market. Thank you for the interview!